Secure Act 2.0 Overview

In the final days of 2022, Congress passed a new set of retirement rules designed to facilitate contribution to retirement plans and access to those funds earmarked for retirement. The law is called SECURE 2.0, and it is a follow-up to the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act passed in 2019. The sweeping legislation has dozens of significant provisions; here are the major provisions of the new law.

Things That Matter & Things That Don’t

When describing our investment process to new or prospective clients, we emphasize that we work very hard to control those variables that we can – at least partially – control: expenses, tax efficiency, and managing volatility. Unfortunately, there are many things we cannot control like market performance, geopolitical events, and monetary policy. Often, it can feel as if these “uncontrollables” outweigh the importance of controlling what we can. In practice though, periods like we are in now are especially important to stay focused on our process.